Our products are flying off the shelves!

You may have already come across them without knowing it: our polyethylene envelopes with high-security adhesive closure are everywhere in the airline industry.
Our Novasafe envelopes are essential for a number of reasons relating to security, logistics and regulatory compliance.
1. Ensuring the security of sensitive content
These envelopes are designed to offer maximum protection against unauthorised handling. The adhesive closure is tamper-proof, ensuring that items such as cash (for sales on commercial flights), confidential documents, valuables or evidence in transit remain intact until they reach their destination.
2. Preventing theft or fraud
In a place where valuables are frequently in transit, these envelopes help to deter attempts at theft or fraud. The integrated security seals make any attempt to open them immediately visible.
3. Compliance with international standards
Airport regulations often require high levels of security for the transport of certain items. These envelopes meet the requirements of many regulatory bodies in terms of security and traceability. Sequential numbering, barcodes, QR codes and detachable receipts enable our customers to trace and identify their sensitive contents.
Our envelopes are everywhere, and that’s no accident! They meet the requirements of numerous organisations while guaranteeing impeccable quality!